Alonex Electronic Engineering Ltd.

Where The Art Of Electronics Is Live!

Hebrew To Be Available Soon



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Industrial Electronics Repairs AX-REP

Computer Systems Maintenance AX-IPC

Memory Devices Burning AX-PGM


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Thank you for your interest to join us.

Currently, the listed below positions are open.


Please fax your inquiries to 03-5031048,

or mail it to P.O.Box 1377, Holon 58171


All the inquires are processed carefully. However, we are sorry for being unable to reply to each applicant. We wish good luck and success to all the applicants in their search for a job.


Position Code: AXEE

Position: Practical Electronic Engineer

Description: An engineer for performing electronic engineering tasks and in-lab repairing of complex electronic units.

Requirements: Electronic engineer having a proven experience in design and/or repair of, and having strong theoretical background in, the classic (as Z80, 8086, 68K, 8031) MPU/uCU systems, in the discrete digital and analog circuitries, and in the power conversion & regulation circuitries. Capability to perform circuit fault analysis and location, component-level repairs of complex electronic boards, electronic prototype building and circuit debugging. Fluent understanding of technical documentation in "En", and familiarity with the classic electronic components. Practical skills with (de-)soldering and measurement equipment, schematic capture PC tools.



Position Code: AXMS

Position: Sales & Marketing Secretary

Description: Sales and marketing secretary

Requirements: A person capable to analyze and develop new segments of the local market, while handling the relations with company's current customers. Technical and marketing background, fluent in Hebrew & English (verbal and writing), skills with MS Office and office equipment.



Partner Code: AXFE

Partnership: Field Automation & Electric Engineer

Description: An entrepreneur, performing field services for industrial automation

Requirements: Certified Industrial Automation engineer having a proven experience in, and being active in, providing independent maintenance of an industrial automated machinery (CNC, metal, plastic, wood, food processing, machining, etc.,), and/or of an institutional specific automated/computerized electronic appliances (scientific, bio-medical, military, governmental, etc.,) in the corresponding field, and willing to co-operate with us on contract basis.



























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