Alonex Electronic Engineering Ltd.

Where The Art Of Electronics Is Live!

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Electronic Engineering E. Engineering

Electronic Repair Services E. Repairs

Computer Systems Maintenance Comp. Systems

Memory Devices Burning Memory Burning



Industrial Electronics Repairs AX-REP

Computer Systems Maintenance AX-IPC

Memory Devices Burning AX-PGM


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Electronic Engineering


Engineering services are provided for companies involved in electronic design, development and in manufacturing of electronics.


Alonex performs deep schematic diagrams analyses before their implementation. A manually assembled prototype is often the shortest and most cost effective way, in order to debug a new electronic circuit, and to start development of its firmware before PCB design and manufacturing.


The prototypes are made using the "soldered-wire" technique, with through-hole components and adapted SMT devices, development IC headers and with electro-mechanical parts. The jobs are executed on the highest level of accuracy.




- SMT pilot boards manual assembly

- Electronic design problems resolving and HW debugging.

- EPROM/MCU/PLD devices burning, including In-Circuit Programming techniques for Flash devices.

- Reverse engineering (schematic capture of existing electronic boards).

- Electronic units mechanical assembly and final testing.


























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